Bench and Lift Sections

To support the Bench and Lift Sections toolbars and other reserves generation functions that make use of a bench definition file (such as when creating phase-bench solids and mining blocks), 3D sections are created automatically. These are adjusted automatically too, based on elevation and other value selections made in the toolbars provided.

This can be seen in the Sheets control bar for both 3D | Sections and Task | Sections sub-folders:

In Studio OP, the Bench Section is active by default.

Similar to other 3D sections, this plane is used to control the view of lift or bench data in the managed Task window.

This can be useful when designing a pit, for example; you can use the Bench Clipping toolbar to show bench data for a restricted range of benches and assign, create and/or modify constraint strings as you progress up or down the pit attempting to accommodate the important volumes of pushbacks described by the input planning model.

See a video of using constraint strings in Studio OP (requires Internet connection)...

In general, you should avoid manually editing the Bench Section (using the Section Properties dialog) and, if you need to manually control a section for digitizing or clipping, you should either re-orient the default section or create a new one.

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